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All the latest news and information from La Tania... or more accurately - general gossip and hear-say that we picked up in the Sherpa, on the piste, or overheard in the Ski Lodge!
9/10/2019 Get ready for the ski season Minimize

There are changes afoot down in La Praz this year with a huge new ski and sports complex under construction, along with some re-vamped lifts. The Foret lift received a re-vamp a couple of years ago, and it is now the turn of the Prz lift itself for a workover.

The news that Courcheval is to host the 2023 World Cup Finals, and that the Jockeys piste will be venue for the men's events also means big changes underway to the layout between La Tania and Courcheval. This will be work done over a couple of years, so don't expect to see it all in place you

26/10/2016 Winter is coming Minimize

Yes, I know I'm about two years too late with the Game of Thrones reference, but I couldn't resist it!

There are big changes afoot in The Three Valleys this year, especially in La Tania, which benefits from the first of a series of lift upgrades that are planned for the area. The Bouc Blanc drag is no more, superseded by a new 6-seater chairlift offering a faster alternative route into the Courcheval valley.

Also in the news is the fact that LaTania has been voted 4th in "Most recommended Ski Resort in the World" by a Ski Club of Great Britain Industry Report. I'm not quite sure what that gets us other than kudos, but we're happy to accept the accolade!
If you are still undecided about your ski holiday this year, have a hunt around the site and learn a little more about LaTania. It's a gem of a resort and we are all very fond of it.
If you've already made up your mind then hunt out your ski gloves, fish the ski jacket out of the loft and get ready for the slopes!

20/3/2012 - Shades on - It's time for Spring Skiing! Minimize

The spring is definately here and with it comes a few weeks of beautiful spring skiing. Having just got back from La Tania I can confirm that there is still tons of snow (we have an exceptionally good base this year) and the pistes are still in fantastic condition with all of the lifts and pistes open.

The weekend just gone saw yet more fresh snow falling to keep the off-piste conditions topped up, so all looks set for a great last few weeks of the season.

16/2/2012 - 'Snow place like LaTania! Minimize

Well, the season is truly apon us, and what a season it's been so far. The first few weeks of December saw some of the best snowfalls in many years, with many of the locals already proclaiming this to be a season to remember. January followed form, with the largest single snowfall since the 60's (according to one well-regarded seasonaire).

February too has been a month of superlatives, bringing the coldest spell for quite some time with temperatures consistently down at -15 for days on end. All this has kept the pistes immaculate, and the well-wrapped skier or border has been rewarded with some top-class piste conditions, as well as off-piste powder that stays fluffy day after day.

21/5/2011 - End of Another Year... boo hoo :-( Minimize

Well, despite sub-optimal ski conditions towards the end of the year it was a pretty good darn season. We had huge dumps of snow before christmas with some fabulous conditions early on and the weather made us pay for it in March and April... never mind... every year is different and this one just goes to show that you can never tell. Despite my fears that I'm going to get tired of it I get more addicted to this whole skiing thing every year! Here's looking to a great 2011/12.

For anyone who is thinking of coming out in the summer I look forward to seeing you out there... look for the mad nutter on the mountain bike! (possibly one of many!)

10/12/2010 - La Tania opens 11th Dec Minimize

Only one day to go and we're all very excited about the official La Tania opening for the 2010/2011 season. The thermometer on the balcony is currently reading -6°C and the snow canons have been on continuously for the last two days ensuring that the pistes are ready.

So what's new in La Tania this season? Well, I've already talked about the facelift to the Plan Fontaine run on the 'Latest News' page, but that's not the only facelift in the village... Pub Le Ski Lodge has also been refurbished... gone are the dark red walls, to be replaced with a much lighter, less spit-and-sawdust feel.

The road up to the apartment has been re-surfaced with additional parking where the recycling area used to be (this has now moved 50m down the road so it is still easily accessible).

The Troika beginners area has been re-modelled and is now much wider at the top, and rumour has it that there is a new beginners area up by the Bouc Blank restaurant (although with the lifts not open until tomorrow we're yet to see it).

The much talked-about new municipal building is structurally complete, but it looks like they've still got a lot of work to do on the inside if any of it is to open this season.

9/11/2010 - Not long now Minimize

Only 3 weeks to go until the Courchevel 1850 lifts begin to open for the 2010/2011 season. La Tania lifts will open a week after this on the 11th December (at the same time as the lifts in Courchevel 1550, 1650 and Le Praz).

I'm off to dig my ski jacket out of the cupboard and dust off my skis ready for a great season...

17/10/2010 - First snow! Minimize

It's rapidly getting to that time of year again where minds start to wander away from the concerns of the office towards the far more important issue of how long it is until the ski season opens.

La Tania has just had it's first snowfall of the winter, and while it may still be a couple of months away the apartment is booking up fast, so get in touch if you want to reserve a week for the 2010/2011 season.

2/10/2010 - Plan Fontaine gets a facelift Minimize
Plan Fontaine (the green beginners run that runs from the top of the Tania cable car right down into the village) seems to be getting an overhaul this year, with some re-modelling and a bunch of new snow cannons in the lower sections. Should be a great new addition that will really help in the very early and late stages of the season where that run could get a little patchy due to it's position in the trees.
1/3/2010 - Snow, snow and yet more snow Minimize
Well, it seems to be shaping up to be one of the best years on record so far. Despite the snows keeping us on our toes at the start of the season with a late arrival, they have certainly made up for it since then with fantastic conditions keeping the pistes and off-piste areas in great condition.
12/12/2009 - La Tania is open for the 2009/10 season Minimize

The snow cannons have been running non-stop for the last few days to get a good base layer down on the pistes. The opening parties have come and gone at Ski Lodge and Taiga and the lifts start running today. Get prepared for another great ski season!

1/12/2009 - What's new for 2009/10 Minimize

With La Tania due to open officially tomorrow Aidan has been out at the apartment getting things ready for the season. Here is a quick (and very much non-comprehensive) list of some of the changes that we've spotted for the 2009/10 season...

  • La Tania - La Taiga bar/restaurant opened with a bang on Thursday with Bring Your Sisters playing in the downstairs bar. Much fun (and a little to much drink) was had by all. The band were in fine form and will be playing La Taiga bar every Sunday during the season.
  • La Tania - The bottom end of the Folyeres piste has had some remodelling done (on the steep area where Plan Fontaine joins)... probably in order to make it a little less daunting for new skiiers. There have also been some trees removed around the top of the Troika lift but we're not quite sure why yet. It may all become obvious when Troika opens tomorrow.
  • 1650 - The old two-seater Prameruel lift is gone (boo hoo... it was probably one of the prettiest, if slowest lifts in the Three Valleys), and the Roc Mugnier chairlift that ran next to it has been replaced with a new faster lift. Courchevel 1650 isn't open yet so we've not had a chance to check it out... watch this space!
  • La Tania - Only one day to go and Chrome bar is still a bit of a building site, with work being done on the decking that looks out over the piste.
  • La Tania - Despite rumours that the bakery might not be opening this season there is a sign outside which suggests that things might be "business as usual". With the resort not officially open it is a little too early to say for sure, but we'll find out soon enough.
  • 1850 - There is now a new link piste from the top of Saulire to the flatish track that leads from the top of the Vizelle lift to the top of Creux. Although probably no more than 20m in length it critically avoids the steep, icy section just before the top of Creux which is usually packed with beginners picking their way gingerly down the slope.
  • 1850 - A new (nameless) piste now exists between the top of Verdons and the top of the Jardin Alpin lift, making it possible to get from Verdons round to Pralong without having to catch the Biollay lift.
  • La Tania - The snow cannons have been running solidly for the last few day and there are now huge piles of snow scattered around the Folyeres piste, ready for the bashers to level out. With sub-zero temperatures predicted for the next couple of weeks it looks as if there wont be a problem in getting a good base layer down on the pistes... all looking good for the season.
  • 1850 - Courchevel have been splashing out on sculptures, with at least 6 new centre-pieces in prominant positions around the resort and slopes. All follow a distinctly Dali-esque theme.
  • La Tania - Some familiar faces return to staff Pub Le Ski Lodge and La Taiga, although the majority of those behind the bar are new to La Tania this year. Long-time Taiga manager Jeremy has moved on to new pastures, while Mini is still in charge at Ski Lodge. Ania is now running Lodge du Village over in Meribel Village.
  • 1850 - Some major changes have been made to the snow park that runs along-side the main Verdons piste. It is now all fenced in with 4 or 5 entrance gates scattered around the preimeter (rather like the snow park above Mottaret). New signage and a new building (the purpose of which will become clear when they finish building it) are currently going up.
  • La Tania - Pub Le Ski lodge has gained a new parasol with built-in heating on the lower terrace, Inside it's business as usual except for the addition of a new fancy handrail around the left end of the stage... it's survived the opening night, but even the staff don't seem confident that it will make it to the end of the season!
9/12/2009 - Pistes open right through to Val Thorens Minimize
La Tania lifts aren't running yet (due to open on 12th December), however it is already possible to ski all the way from Courchevel 1850 to Val Thorens in the Belleville valley. The lower pistes running down into Mottaret are still a little on the thin side, however the snow cannons have been running all day so we'd expect that to be sorted in the next few days. The runs in Val Thorens are particularly good at the moment, with a fair amount open and very few people on them to spoil the fun! With Courcheval 1850 open and the Chenus lift operating people are now regularly skiing down into La Tania on the Folyeres piste.
2/12/2009 - Here Comes The Snow! Minimize

Winter is finally here and even before the lifts open there are isolated ski tracks down the main piste into La Tania. Pub Le Ski lodge has opened already, as have the lifts in Val Thorens. La Tania is due to open on 12th December, so get prepared for another great ski season!

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